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Game Rules:


Left Arrow = Go Left

Right Arrow = Go Right

Spacebar = Use Special Power (If Steve or Joel)


Items Explained:


The Good:

PBR's - You want to collect PBR cans. This is how you rack up points.

Burritos - Picking up a burrito will give you Super Burrito Strength. You can smash through cars if your player has Super Burrito Strength. Be careful, as this power only works on cars.

Jumps - Hit the jumps to rack up even more points.


The Bad:

Cars - Don't get hit unless you have Super Burrito Strength.

The Bus - The bus is even stonger than cars. Don't let it turn you into roadkill!

Potholes - Watch out for potholes - they'll send you flying!

And more - More danger looms down the hill. Use your head!


Character Overview:



Mason is immune to the effects of potholes! Use his slick moves to navigate safely down the hill.



Greg is super fast and agile! Move side to side with extra quickness to pick up points and avoid obstacles.



Joel has a secret feline weapon. Hit spacebar to unleash his inner tiger to destroy cars.



Steve can fling drumsticks with devastating power. Hit spacebar to unleash a Vic Firth wrath upon cars. Be mindful of the stickbag level, Steve has a limited supply!

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